physical therapy

What to Expect in Your Recovery After Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery

Michael Fu, MD

Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery

Shoulder rotator cuff repair surgery is a common procedure aimed at fixing tears of the rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint. These tears can result from acute injury or chronic degeneration and can lead to pain, weakness, and decreased range of motion in the shoulder. The recovery process is crucial for regaining full function and involves several stages, including immobilization, physical therapy, and gradual return to activities. This article will discuss what patients can expect during the recovery period following shoulder rotator cuff repair surgery.

Immediate Postoperative Period

Patients typically go home the same day after surgery. The first few days after surgery are focused on pain management and protecting the repair. Patients will typically leave the hospital with their arm in a sling to immobilize the shoulder and promote healing. Pain is managed with cold therapy, either through ice packs or a cold therapy machine, as well as medications including acetaminophen and opioids for short-term use.

It's essential to follow our instructions on wound care to prevent infection. This includes keeping the surgical area clean and dry and watching for signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or discharge from the incision site.

Early Recovery Phase (Weeks 1-6)

During the early recovery phase, the primary goals are to reduce inflammation and begin gentle movements to prevent stiffness without compromising the repair. The sling remains a critical component of recovery, and its use is required for approximately 6 weeks. During this time, patients often feel more comfortable sleeping sitting up a bit, either in a recliner or on a wedge in bed. Patients are able to use their hand for gentle work on a computer or phone.

Physical therapy often starts at two weeks after surgery with passive exercises. A physical therapist will move the arm for the patient to help maintain joint mobility without using the repaired muscles. These exercises gradually progress to active-assistive exercises, where the patient starts to engage the muscles but with assistance.

Intermediate Recovery Phase (Weeks 6-12)

As healing progresses, the focus shifts to regaining strength and mobility. The sling is typically discontinued during this phase, and patients begin more active exercises. These exercises aim to strengthen the shoulder muscles, improve flexibility, and increase the range of motion. It's important to progress gradually and avoid activities that put too much stress on the repaired tendon.

Physical therapy becomes more intensive, incorporating resistance training and exercises that mimic daily activities. Patients may also start using light weights or resistance bands under the guidance of their therapist.

Late Recovery Phase (Months 3-6)

The late recovery phase is where significant improvements in strength and function are expected. Patients continue to advance in their exercises, focusing on strengthening the entire shoulder complex to support the repaired rotator cuff. Activities become more challenging, and the intensity of workouts increases, always under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

During this period, patients may begin to return to activities such as running and swimming, but with caution. It's essential to listen to the body and avoid overdoing it, as the tendon is still healing and strengthening.

Full Recovery (6 Months to 1 Year)

Full recovery from rotator cuff repair surgery can take anywhere from 6 months to a year, depending on the severity of the tear, the patient's overall health, and adherence to the rehabilitation program. By this stage, most patients experience significant improvement in pain, strength, and function. However, it's crucial to continue with strength and flexibility exercises to maintain shoulder health and prevent future injuries.

Factors Affecting Recovery

Several factors can influence the recovery process, including the size of the tear, the quality of the tendon tissue, the patient's age, and their overall health. Smokers and patients with certain health conditions, such as diabetes, may experience slower healing times.

Adherence to the rehabilitation program is perhaps the most critical factor in successful recovery. Patients who closely follow their physical therapist's and surgeon's instructions typically see the best outcomes.


Recovery from shoulder rotator cuff repair surgery is a gradual process that requires patience, dedication, and adherence to a comprehensive rehabilitation program. While the journey can be challenging, most patients can expect to return to their daily activities and enjoy a significant reduction in pain and improvement in shoulder function. It's important to maintain realistic expectations and communicate regularly with the healthcare team to address any concerns and adjust the recovery plan as needed. With the right approach, patients can achieve a successful recovery and regain a good quality of life.

About the Author

Dr. Michael Fu is an orthopedic surgeon and shoulder specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York City (NYC) and New Jersey (NJ), the best hospital for orthopedics as ranked by U.S. News & World Report. Dr. Fu is an expert at shoulder rotator cuff repair surgery, shoulder instability surgery, and shoulder replacement. Dr. Fu was educated at Columbia University and Yale School of Medicine, followed by orthopedic surgery residency at HSS and sports medicine & shoulder surgery fellowship at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. He has been a team physician for the Chicago Bulls, Chicago White Sox, DePaul University, and NYC’s PSAL.

Disclaimer: All materials presented on this website are the opinions of Dr. Michael Fu and any guest writers, and should not be construed as medical advice. Each patient’s specific condition is different, and a comprehensive medical assessment requires a full medical history, physical exam, and review of diagnostic imaging. If you would like to seek the opinion of Dr. Michael Fu for your specific case, we recommend contacting our office to make an appointment.

5 Reasons to Find a Personalized Physical Therapist

Jason Park, PT, DPT, CFSC

Today, we have an insightful guest post from Jason Park, Doctor of Physical Therapy from Elevate Performance Therapy based in Englewood, NJ. We work closely with Jason and frequently recommend him for our patients that prefer to have a personalized, one-on-one physical therapy experience.

When suffering from an injury or recovering after surgery, it is often difficult to choose the right physical therapist. Besides feeling like there is an endless number of options to choose from, you might have also had a bad previous experience, may be receiving mixed recommendations, and may even believe that all you need are stretches.

However, as a doctor of physical therapy, I will say that generic stretches and simple exercises are only the tip of the iceberg. Although those stretches can be a great way to start the journey and manage the symptoms, it frequently never addresses the root cause of the problem.

This is where a personalized approach to physical therapy care is beneficial. A personalized therapy session means you are getting a direct time of 45 to 60 minutes with a doctor of physical therapy. No sending you off with aides or techs, no more screaming across the room to help correct your form with exercises.

Here are the 5 ways why personalized physical therapy is beneficial:

1. Understand the Problems

With 45-60 minutes directly with a doctor of physical therapy, it gives time to really listen and understand the needs of the patient. This helps tremendously from a diagnosis standpoint and to get to the root cause of why that problem is occurring. When the root cause of the problem is identified, it helps to create a robust plan for patient care to provide solutions and get outcomes.

2. Open Communication

Throughout the rehab process, it is a scary feeling when you don’t know what to expect or symptoms change during the course of treatment. Commonly, I get asked questions such as, “Is it okay to feel this?” or “Am I doing this right?” We understand that you can have fluctuations in symptoms or be unsure if you are doing home exercises properly. In addition, we understand that life and social events can quickly change your symptoms. I believe in having direct communication with patients even outside of the treatment room, to make sure they are not on this journey alone.

3. Tracking Progress

With attention to detail during the sessions, it is much easier to track your progress with     objective measures. Otherwise, how do we know if the treatments are actually working? This is especially important if you are very active or an athlete looking to get back to sport. We can’t just have you start throwing a ball again on a specific date or start running just simply because you are 8 weeks out from injury or surgery. We must clear you to progress to the next stages of rehab or perform tests to return you safely to your sport or activity.

4. Tailored Treatment

The focus of each visit is really to have a purpose for each exercise or treatment modality. Especially if you value time, you will understand that you don’t need to ride the bike for 10 minutes or lay on a moist hot pack to “warm up” the muscles. For example, if you are on the bike, it should be to work on improving your joint motion or properly challenging your cardiovascular conditioning. When working directly with a physical therapist throughout the session, we can also help to immediately correct the form of the exercise, facilitate better movement, and progress exercises appropriately without relying on aides who are not as qualified.

5. Prevent Future Injuries

Unfortunately, insurance companies are notorious for cutting people short from a physical therapy plan of care. To the insurance companies, they care about patients being “functional,” meaning being able to perform the daily routine. However, if you are more active in your life or enjoy fitness and sports, there is no way that is good enough. This leaves many people finishing up rehab at 80%, putting patients at risk for a repeat injury or other injuries down the line. I have seen this happen on many occasions and it should not be the standard. With a personalized approach to your care, we will help to educate you, lay down certain expectations, but ultimately focus on getting you to 100% or beyond so that you avoid repeat injuries or other injuries.

About the Author

Jason is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and the owner of Elevate Performance Therapy. He specializes in helping youth athletes and active adults 40+ live better lives without relying on medications, injections, or unnecessary surgeries. 

At Elevate Performance Therapy, we strive to differentiate ourselves by creating an environment to serve our patients with personalized physical therapy. We value your time and provide treatments with intent on your goals and needs. If you are interested in learning how we can help, please visit, to schedule a phone call with a physical therapist. We look forward to finding more about how we can help you return to the activities you love.

Dr. Michael Fu is an orthopedic surgeon and shoulder specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), the No. 1 hospital for orthopedics as ranked by U.S. News & World Report. Dr. Fu treats the entire spectrum of shoulder conditions, including rotator cuff tears, shoulder instability, and shoulder arthritis. Dr. Fu was educated at Columbia University and Yale School of Medicine, followed by orthopedic surgery residency at HSS and sports medicine & shoulder surgery fellowship at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. He has been a team physician for the Chicago Bulls, Chicago White Sox, DePaul University, and NYC’s PSAL.

Disclaimer: All materials presented on this website are the opinions of Dr. Michael Fu and any guest writers, and should not be construed as medical advice. Each patient’s specific condition is different, and a comprehensive medical assessment requires a full medical history, physical exam, and review of diagnostic imaging. If you would like to seek the opinion of Dr. Michael Fu for your specific case, we recommend contacting our office to make an appointment.